發(fā)布時間:2019-08-29 來源: 日記大全 點擊:
[摘要] 通過走訪和實地調查,收集當歸在全國的栽培信息。以當歸藥材主產區(qū)43個采樣點為分析基點,分析當歸各類功效性成分,綜合氣候、地形等相關生態(tài)因子,利用GIS技術和最大信息熵模型分析當歸適宜性分布。應用R語言構建當歸有效成分與環(huán)境因子之間的關系模型,采用ArcGIS 軟件空間計算方法進行當歸品質區(qū)劃。研究結果顯示影響當歸適宜性分布的主要生態(tài)因子為海拔、土壤亞類、5月份降水量和最暖月最高溫等4個生態(tài)因子,這與當歸喜冷涼濕潤氣候,適宜于分布在土層深厚區(qū)域的生活習性相一致。此外,以當歸功效性成分為指標的生態(tài)適宜性區(qū)劃結果還提供了傳統(tǒng)分布區(qū)以外的新適宜分布區(qū),為開展當歸合理引種栽培提供了科學依據。
[關鍵詞] 當歸;生產區(qū)劃;最大信息熵模型;生態(tài)因子;生態(tài)適宜性;ArcGIS
[Abstract] The distribution information of Chinese angelica was collected by interview investigation and field survey, and 43 related environmental factors were collected, some kinds of functional chemical constituents of Angelica sinensis were analyzed. Integrated climate, topography and other related ecological factors, the habitat suitability study was conducted based on Arc geographic information system(ArcGIS),and maximum entropy model. Application of R language to establish the relationship between the effective component of Chinese angelica and enviromental factors model, using ArcGIS software space to carry out space calculation method for the quality regionalization of Chinese angelica. The results showed that 4 major ecological factors had obvious influence on ecology suitability distributions of Chinese angelica, including altitude, soil sub category, May precipitation and the warmest month of the highest temperature, et al. It is suitable for the living habits of the Chinese angelica, cold and humid climate, which is suitable for the deep area of the soil. In addition, the ecological suitability regionalization based on the effect of Chinese angelica also provides a new suitable distribution area other than the traditional distribution area, which provides a scientific basis for the reasonable introduction of Chinese angelica.
[Key words] Chinese angelica; production regionalization; maximum entropy model(MaxEnt model); ecological factors; ecology suitability; ArcGIS
當歸為重要的道地藥材,來源于傘形科植物當歸Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels的干燥根,其臨床應用十分廣泛[1]。具有活血補血,調經止痛,潤燥滑腸之功效。當歸是典型的生境主導型道地藥材[2],其品質受產地生態(tài)環(huán)境影響顯著[3],商品藥材全部依靠栽培生產提供,傳統(tǒng)一直以甘肅岷縣、宕昌地區(qū)所產尊為道地。目前主要產地集中于甘肅南部,云南、四川、湖北等地也有少量分布[4],近年來受當歸價格上漲等因素的影響,一些非傳統(tǒng)產區(qū)紛紛引種[5],且種植規(guī)模有迅速擴張趨勢。但由于藥材與其引種地生態(tài)環(huán)境適宜性相關基礎性研究工作的缺乏,導致了各地所產當歸藥材質量參差不齊甚至引種失敗,給我國當歸藥材生產的穩(wěn)定性帶來很大的隱患。
1 材料
1.1 當歸樣品采集
當歸樣品采樣時間為2013年10上旬至11月上旬采集,樣品均為二年生栽培當歸A. sinensis的根,每個樣地不少于5株,統(tǒng)一陰干后,打粉,過3號篩,冷凍保存處理。