[流動的青島] 青島流動補胎
發(fā)布時間:2020-03-11 來源: 短文摘抄 點擊:
公交巴士對于城市的意義,不僅僅意味著地域的拉近和市民生活的便捷,它更是城市經(jīng)濟快速發(fā)展、現(xiàn)代化進程的具體表現(xiàn)。 在青島,作為市民最主要也是最依賴的交通工具,穿行于大街小巷的各路巴士,是百姓日常生活的一部分!安还苣阆肴ツ,總有一輛公交車會把你送到離目的地很近的地方!鼻鄭u人常常為此感到自豪。公交巴士的發(fā)展,經(jīng)歷著也見證著青島這座城市的飛速發(fā)展。
In Qingdao, buses are the most reliable transport tools for the citizens. The various routes of buses shuttling along the streets in the downtown areas constitute one part of the daily life of the locals. The development of urban buses has experienced and witnessed the rapid development of the city.
In spring, taking with them the fallen cherry blossoms, the buses starting from Badaguan (Eight Passes) are driven to the utmost north of the city. In summer, the windows of the coastal buses, like mobile frames, constantly display the changing scenes outside of the buses. In autumn, the buses reflect each other with the bustling streets and the hundred-year-old buildings. In winter the buses shuttle between the new prosperous downtown area in the east and the old quiet western downtown area in the west. Sitting on the buses, we can sense the rapid development
The small worlds in the buses and the big world outside of the buses are both brilliant. People from every class and level gather in the buses and go everywhere in them. of the new area and appreciating the elegance of the old area.
Sitting on the buses, listening to the people talking in their dialects and watching the changing street images and pedestrians outside the buses, the various expressions of the city seem to be stretched and crisscrossed in the arteries of the city.
相關(guān)熱詞搜索:青島 流動 流動的青島 青島流動人口 青島流動補胎